Emmi-Pet teeth cleaning

What is it? 

Emmi-Pet is a groundbreaking dental cleansing system designed to combat the build up of plaque and tartar 

The Emmi®-pet Toothbrush is vibration-free with no actual brushing or scrubbing necessary. The tooth cleaning system is simple, non-invasive and effective. It will benefit not only the dog’s teeth, but their health in general, as unhealthy teeth and gums can affect the dog’s whole body.

Why is it needed? 

Estimations are that almost 80% of dogs aged 2 and above suffer from Dental disease. 

When food particles and bacteria accumulate on your dog’s gum-line, plaque is formed - a sticky, colourless film that covers teeth when not cleaned.

Combined with saliva and minerals, it transforms into tartar - hardened plaque. This can lead to gum irritation and an inflammatory condition called gingivitis.

Left untreated this can cause painful teeth, blood infections and can lead to the teeth being extracted.


How can Emmi-Pet help?

The Emmi®-pet ultrasound waves are transmitted through each wet toothbrush bristle to the toothpaste, creating millions of micro-bubbles that penetrate deep below the gum-line and into the smallest gaps between the teeth.

Bacteria, food, plaque and “dog breath” - a leading sign of periodontal disease - are removed.

It also increases the blood flow to the gums to heal wounds and stop bleeding. 

How many sessions are needed? 

Just like our own teeth, our dogs should keep to a regular dental regime. The more often they are treated, the better chance they have of resisting that nasty plaque accumulating and causing issue. 

Unitially an assessment appointment will allow us to check the suitability of the teeth for treatment. We will check for existing plaque and it's severity. We will talk you through our advised treatment plan which may be to maintain regular appointments, or may require an initial intensive treatment schedule to clear existing tartar and plaque. 

We would advise that following the initial introduction sessions, dogs visit us for their Emmi-Pet sessions with each groom. With additional sessions in between if necessary. 

As you can see from the photo below, the difference can be dramatic 

 How much does it cost? 

Initial sessions include accustomising your dog to the system. Since we tend not to brush their teeth daily, it can seem unusual for us to be in their mouths at first. So we ask that you allow 30minutes for this introductory treatment. 

Each dog has their own Brush head and toothpaste. You will be given these to take home with you. This means you can help to desensitise your dog to the sensation between visits and salsa helps to ensure that there is no risk of cross contamination. 

Initial sessions are £40 with follow up sessions just £20

Quite a saving compared to vet dental exam that costs on average £84! And that is without anaesthetic which is both costly and stressful. 

To book your Emmi-Pet session simply choose the option when booking your regular grooming appointment