Grooming Pricing
At #OnlyDogs we know your dogs are individuals. This means that there is no one price fits all.
When enquiring we will ask for your dogs breed and this will help us have an idea of their size and coat type.
From here we will be able to give you a rough guide price.
Every groom, no matter the size of the dog or the shape of their coat will include:
Ear clean
Nail trim
Full bath in appropriate shampoo
Thoroughly dried using professional equipment
Noes to toes brush to remove any knots and tangles
Pricing starts at just £30 for our littlest customers and increases as they do.
Full grooms including all the above and then clippers or scissor work start at merely £40. Prices will also vary based on the dogs behaviour, the regularity of their visits and the condition of their coat.
Dogs that are well conditioned to regular grooming, are brushed at home between visits and are kept to a routine grooming schedule will often work out cheaper in the long run.
Catering for anything from pet trim to show kings. Breed specific cuts to comfortable mutts, just let us know how you'd like your furry best friend to look and we will ensure they leave us looking pawfect 🐾
Hand Stripping
Hand stripping is a grooming technique used predominantly on wire haired dogs to promote a healthy coat cycle, and to preserve the texture of the fur.
Due to the physical nature and time a strip takes, we are only able to accept a small number of hand strip clients at a time. If you would like to discuss the possibility of hand stripping your dog, please do come in for a chat with the girls and we can discuss with you the pros, cons and whether we have availability.
Hand stripping is charged based on an hourly fee of £40
"A groom is only ever as good as the dog on the table" You'll hear this said in Grooming salons the world over and it's true! So as we want to help your dogs get the best groom possible, that starts with their very first introduction to grooming. With this in mind, we offer dedicated introduction sesssions for puppies aged from 12 to 20 weeks.
Introductions can be booked as soon as your puppy has had their vaccinations and sessions will last roughly 90 minutes. They will have some time on the table, we will fuss them, let them hear the clippers and feel the dryer on low. They will get to see and hear the going's on of a groomers, in a controlled and positively reinforced way. We will then discuss with you the best grooming schedule to keep your new family member looking and feeling their best, techniques to use at home to help maintain their coats between grooms and a Free brush appropriate to their coat type.
Puppy intros cost just £25

SPA treatments
Regular grooming is essential to maintain the welfare and wellbeing of your dog. But sometimes they deserve that little bit more, be it their birthday or following a bout of illness or simply because they are just that loved!
We have a range of spa treatments at just £7 each. You can choose from:
Tellington T touch Your pooch will receive a 10 minute Tellington TTouch massage, which not only calms soothes and relaxes your dog. But can also aid with coat health and myfascial tension.
A Blueberry Facial treatment. This is a high end specialty shampoo system designed specifically for dogs faces. Kind on eyes it offers deep cleaning properties without the risk of getting in the eye. It can help with the appearance of tear and saliva staining, and works well to combat skin fold dermatitis in those wrinkly faces we adore.
Traditional Teeth clean with yummy dog friendly tooth paste. Helping to keep those doggy kisses less smelly. Using a traditional toothbrush and doggy friendly paste we will give your dogs teeth a gentle scrub to remove any plaque or debris and keep that pesky plaque at bay. You'll get to take the toothbrush with you to continue using at home.
Paw pad moisturiser to help keep their feet healthy and supple. We know how dry our feet can get and we wear shoes. Our Paw balms are all fully organic and have anti fungal properties. Keeping your pooches toe beans in the very best condition.
Nose Balm to help keep that schnozzola in tip top treat sniffing condition. Fully vet approved, lick safe and organic our balms help your furry friend feel as good as they look.
Luxury Bow or Bandana to complete their look dependant on the dog. We will choose the perfect accessory to compliment your dogs gorgeous new groom
Or you can have all treatments together for just £22! Simply click VIP UPGRADE when booking